Pasta Minestrone Soup Recipe: The Delicious And Comforting Recipe For Your Winter Nights

Total Time: 1h 5m
Preparation Time: 45 m
Calories: 419
Servings: 4

A comforting and delicious soup prepared with potato, carrot, red kidney beans, vegetable stock, fusilli pasta & served with the toasted cheese bread on top. The simple soup recipe could be an apt appetizer as well. You can have this amazing soup in your holidays or weekends at home with your friends and family.

Ingredients for Pasta Minestrone Soup:
Chopped, peeled carrot - two
Chopped, peeled celery - two
Finely chopped onion - 1/2
Red kidney beans - one cup
Pasta fusilli - one cup
Powdered red peppers - one dash
Chopped, peeled potato - one
Crushed garlic - two cloves
Veg stock - four cup
Finely chopped tomato - four
Salt - two pinches
Chopped parsley - one handful

How to prepare Pasta Minestrone Soup:
Step 1) Firstly, add carrots, onions, potatoes, crushed garlic cloves and celery sticks into a saucepan. Now stir the mix constantly over a high flame for about 5 mins.

Step 2) Then add vegetable stock, a can of red kidney beans & tomatoes into the saucepan. Place the lid on it & allow the soup to boil for about thirty mins.

Step 3) Stir on the time interval to make sure that the beans don't stick with the bottom of the vessel. When boiled, allow it to simmer for further 5 mins or until all the veggies get tendered.

Step 4) Add ground pepper and salt as per your taste. Boil your pasta separately. Have salt & 2 drops of oil into the boiling water to be sure that the pasta just don't stick to each other.

Step 5) As cooked, add pasta into the simmering mix. Stir it finely & garnish using parsley.

Step 6) Enjoy it with toast, crunchy breadsticks or garlic bread.


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